HappiHippi App
(Codesigned with Andrea de la Cruz)
Design an App where users participate and compete to conserve water in an exciting new way.
The HappiHippi App is a social media based app that is aimed towards home gardeners. It allows users to connect and trade their crops with other local gardeners, eliminating waste, improve their watering habits during the drought, share photos and learn fun facts that will help produce a more abundant harvest.
App features
Account page - Users enter information, including name and location (in order for the app to send them useful information based on geographical data), and whether or not they would like to recieve push notifications.
Newsfeed Page - Users receive local updates relevant to their gardening needs, messages received from other HappiHippi app users, and important notifications from the HappiHippi staff.
Dropdown menu - Navigate through the many features that HappiHippi has to offer.
Veggie Swap - A place for local gardeners in the area to connect and exchange their extra harvest or what we like to call "swappables" with one another to eliminate waste and promote friendly neighborhood interaction. To post swappables to veggie swap, users simply click on "post your swappables."
Your Crops - Your crops is the users main profile page. Here they can view or edit their crops and post them to Veggie Swap, edit their profile, view their friends, add or delete photos and receive tips on how to adequately water their crops and care for them.
Water Competition - HappiHippi users have a unique opportunity to challenge other local gardeners in the area to a water competition. Here they can view stats on their water usage and quality of yield, and actively participate in a competition to earn prizes, such as succulents and other beautiful drought resistant plants. A timer is used to record the length of time they watered their garden for, and they enter any yield they may have collected that day. All users win prizes for participating and showing improvement, whether they win or not.
Account Information screen and drop down menu.
User profile page, including list of friends, and My Photos section
Veggie Swap page.
Newsfeed and Your Crops page, both with scroll down feature.
Water competition pages.